Income Protection
During our working lives it is likely that, at some point, we will require time off due to health issues.
How many of us are lucky enough to have an employer who will pay 100% of our income for an unspecified amount of time?
If you lost your income stopped through ill health, could you support yourself and / or your family whilst still ensuring you can still cover your household bills?
Income Protection does exactly what it says on the tin. It is an insurance policy that can provide a % of your income on a monthly basis (depending on current tax free NET legislation). As everybody’s financial circumstances are different, it is essential to get the right tailored advice so that any income protection plan starts immediately if your income stops.
At Riviera Mortgages our advisors are passionate about what is important to you. We will take the time to discuss and understand any employee benefits or existing income protection plans, so as to recommend a bespoke income protection solution.
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